Visual Art

Been running as long as I can remember

Trying to make an abstruse condition easier to understand, Been running as long as I can remember takes the corny archetypical retro workout video and uses it as a metaphor for living with severe anxiety. With dark humor and some mild sarcasm, chloe frost aims to dispel some of the stigma surrounding anxiety, stigmas both external and internalized.

chloe frost

chloe frost has exactly one coping mechanism: dark humor. Two, if we're counting art. Attempting to explore and understand herself and her world, chloe creates as a means to explain, experiment, and reconcile. please don't ask if she's tried yoga.
You can see more of chloe’s art on her website,

Running June 21-24 at Untitled Art Society, 11:00am - 7:00pm. Reception on July 23 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm.