Her Potential For Corruption
Her Potential For Corruption presents the relics of the Fallen Woman. Lingerie holds the memory of the body, an insistent absence marked with desire. The unapologetic display of Her intimate objects resists ideological containment. Her relics destabilize the claims of incorruptibility given to saints and maintained through faith in the divinity of their wax facade. She defies incorruptibility as Her body transforms into a twisting, serpentine creature of silk and wax. Her meaning is unfixed, Her truth is indeterminate, and Her presence embodies doubt.
Presented in partnership with the Marion Nicoll Gallery.
Haley Craw
Haley Craw is a multidisciplinary artist based in Calgary, Canada. Her work presents relics, bodily traces, and the mythology of the Fallen Woman to explore female sexuality and ideology through both social contexts and reflections on personal experience. Her work was included in the Feminist Art Conference 2015, Femme Wave Festival, and kitschy kat's haunted mouse at TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary. She curated the exhibition Shape-Shifters at the Alberta College of Art + Design. Her work has been featured in Filling Station Magazine, Venison Magazine, and Nailed Magazine.
Running June 19 - September 1 at Marion Nicoll Gallery (LRT Window), 8:00am - 1:00am. Reception on June 21 at 6:00pm.