Visual Art

nvrlnd. Art Market
The nvrlnd. art market will showcase the multi-faceted artists and designers from nvrlnd. along with some artist demos and tables of art, ceramics, jewellery, design and vintage will be available for purchase. Riley JB will be offering Tintype Portraits on first come first serve basis. Stay Awhile Tattoos and White Rabbit Atelier will be offering special activations throughout the day.
Participating artists include Heather Buchanan, Bryan Faubert, Claudia Chagoya, Michael Grills, Moey Blanco, Tyler Wong, Jen Schier, Summer Days Ceramics, Nu Ceramics, Free Fall Alchemy, Rebel Rebel Vintage, Stay Awhile Tattoos, White Rabbit Atelier and Tintype portraits by Riley JB.
(Photo: Bramble Lee Pryde)