Sled Island Presents: Fucked Up At Commonwealth November 19th!

After the mind-meltingly good show from Sled Island 2013 curator John Dwyer's band Thee Oh Sees (we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the jaw-dropping sets from The Blind Shake and OBN IIIs as well), we thought we'd continue with the whole, 'let's party with past-curators' thing. Today, we're thrilled to announce that, thanks to the Commonwealth Bar & Stage, on Tuesday, November 19th, Sled Island 2010 curators, Fucked Up, will be back in town for another set of sweaty, shirtless and near-symphonic punk rock.
They'll be joined by a shockingly good and knee-weakeningly-loud line-up from top-to-bottom with Sabertooth, Sissys and Grown-Ups.
Tickets are on sale now!