Volunteer Call Is Open!

Are you interested in volunteering for Sled Island this year? The volunteer sign-up form is now live, get it here! and fill it out completely for maximum good times this summer.
If you're looking for pre-festival volunteering hours, we have an opportunity coming up. A casino fundraiser on Saturday, May 31st and Sunday June 1st. Please email volunteer@sledlsand.com directly or indicate on the form if you're interested in this opportunity.
Now is the time! Go ahead, sign up! After that, you can expect an email from Briana, our volunteer coordinator later this month regarding an orientation session (date TBA). You may also want to add volunteer@sledisland.com to your contacts or safe list to ensure future emails don't end up in your spam folder.
Thanks to everyone who offers thier time and effort by signing up to volunteer for Sled Island! Excitement is high this year, and we're looking forward to being able to work with all of you. Don't hesitate to contact volunteer@sledisland.com with any questions.