Yo La Tengo Date Change
Attention Yo La Tengo fans! Please note that the date of Yo La Tengo’s hotly-anticipated return to Sled Island has been changed from Saturday, June 27 at Flames Central to Friday, June 26 at Flames Central. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Within 24 hours, those who have purchased tickets for Saturday, June 27 online will be given the option to receive a refund via Ticketfly OR simply have their ticket adjusted for the new show date. Those who have purchased tickets for Saturday, June 27 in stores (Sled Island Office, Sloth Records, Lukes Drug Mart or Purr Kensington) may return their ticket to its place of purchase for a refund OR can keep their ticket to have it honoured for the rescheduled show on Friday, June 26. Please direct any questions or concerns to info@sledisland.com.
Tickets for Yo La Tengo at Flames Central on Friday, June 26 are now available here.